Les 100 Vœux : Votre projet validé entre en production !
Blankets full of emotions to beautifully celebrate life's events.

Your {{project name}} project has been completed and shipped ! 👏

Thanks to you, {{x}} wishes have been gathered to celebrate love together and exchange lovely & intense emotions!

See the project page

And to thank you for your confidence...

We offer a sponsorship program which allows you to earn points for your various actions on our site.

You can turn these points into free wishes!

🎁 8 points = 1 free wish 🎁

I create my project now!

We are available for you: you can contact us by e-mail at contact@les100voeux.fr or by phone: +33 (0)3 44 94 44 32 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 12:30pm and 1:30pm to 4pm).

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